21 金屋(に)粧ひ成て嬌(こび)て夜に侍す。
She finished her makeup in the golden building, and charmingly accompanied the Emperor in the evenings.
- 金屋 is another reference to Emperor Wu; once again the tireless Wikisource guy has put the original quote from the Book of Han up. He also points out that the 嬌 here is probably a pun on Empress Chin Jiao, who Wu wanted to build the golden house for.
22 玉楼宴罷て酔て春に和す。
In the jeweled pavilions at the end of the banquets they were drunk, and relaxed in the spring.
- I'm assuming that 罷て is intended to be read as おわりて.
23 姉妹兄弟、皆列士
Her brothers and sisters were all made governors of land.
24 憐れむべし、光彩の門戸を生すること
Oh, how splendid, the thriving of the shining family!
25-26 遂に天下父母の心をして、男を生むことを重んせずして、女を生むことを重んせしむ。
This soon affected the hearts of the mothers and fathers of the land -- it caused them to not value giving birth to boys, but rather giving birth to girls.
27 驪宮高き處、青雲に入る。
The high places of Lu Palace entered the blue clouds.
- This is the Huaqing Palace, the location of the Huaqing Pools mentioned earlier in the poem.
28 仙樂、風飄て處處に聞ゆ。
The music of the sages fluttered on the wind and could be heard here and there.
29 緩く歌ひ謾に舞て絲竹を凝らす。
The slow singing and the gentle dancing merged with the strings (of the instruments).
- 謾 seems to be a 仮字 for 縵.
30 尽日(ひねもす)君王看れども足らざるに、
The King watched all day but it wasn't enough.
31 漁陽の鼙鼓、地を動し来たる。
The war drums of Yuyang began to shake the earth.
- The next set of lines alludes to the events of the An Lushan rebellion; the wikipedia article on Yang Guifei has the full story of her death; without some knowledge of the basic story this part of the poem makes little sense.
32 驚破(そよや)、霓裳羽衣の曲。
Oh! The song of rainbow skirts and feather robes.
- According to the den, this is the song that Guifei enchanted Xuanzong with. I'm a little uncertain on what 驚破 means here -- both Hiromichi's furigana and the notes to the SKT indicate that it's an expression of surprise, but the meaning of the line isn't very clear. The SKT's modern Japanese translation and Wikisource say it means the drums disrupted the dance.
33 九重の城闕、煙塵生す。
The ninefold palace became covered in smoke and dust.
34 千乗万騎西南に行く。
The large army went southwest.
- This refers to the King's troops fleeing the palace.
35 翠華、搖搖として行て復た止まる。
The jewels on the imperial flag rocked back and forth, stopping and starting.
36 西の方、都門を出ること、百余里。
They left the capital gate to the west and went over 100 li.
37 六軍発せず、奈何(いかん)ともすること無し。
The Imperial army was not sent out, and couldn't do anything.
38 宛転たる蛾眉、馬の前に死ぬ。
The curved eyebrows like a moth, died before the horse.
- A very allusive reference to Yang Guifei's execution; that's an odd simile -- I don't know if it was a poetic standard. Wikisource suggests it could be an allusion to Mount Emei, where Xuanzong was going. Guifei was strangled in a Buddhist temple, but since she was killed at Mawei (馬嵬), this may be a play on words.
39 花の鈿(かんざし)地に委(すて)て、人の收むる無し。
Her flower hairpin fell to the ground, and no one picked it up.
40 翠翹金雀玉の搔頭(さしくし)。
(Then,) her hair ornament made from the feather of a kingfisher, her gold sparrow (pin), and her jeweled hair clasp.
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